Church Multiplication


Evergreen Multiplication Fund – Grants for PNA Congregations wanting to launch multiplication initiatives. Deadline for application: June 15, 2021

Application Form

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. – Matthew 28:19-20a (NIV)

With the Great Commission Jesus entrusted his disciples with the task of carrying on the Kingdom movement he began. It was a movement to carry the Good News across the world, and to do it, in turn, by making new disciples themselves.

Disciples making disciples. This is the power of Jesus’ strategy. We all know that it Ignited the growth of the church over the centuries, and that we are here today as followers of Christ because of their faithfulness.

How are you and your church multiplying for the sake of the Kingdom?

Unfortunately, many of our efforts are limited to addition. Certainly, we celebrate the addition of new people who accept Christ and become part of our churches, but imagine how much more we could achieve if we Ignite a multiplication movement that sees hundreds, thousands, or even millions of new disciples, all mobilized to continue on the work!

Church Multiplication is about discovering, adopting, and implementing strategies that your congregation can use for Igniting genuine Kingdom growth. This is not a program. There are no one-size-fits-all strategies.

The PNA Ministry Network is committed to helping our churches move toward health and growth, and with our new Ignite emphasis we will be providing a variety of helpful ideas, resources, and training opportunities that can help your church implement multiplication strategies. One example of this can be seen in a new partnership that we are entering into with Healthy Growing Churches (HGC), a Church of God affiliated organization that has experience and expertise in helping churches move toward multiplication.

PNA congregations were invited to participate in this venture, a significant number have taken up challenge by participating in a multi-year process of training, conversation and coaching over the next couple of years. We are excited about the impact that this journey will have on these churches as they permeate the Northwest with the Gospel!


Multiplication Resources

Becoming a Level Five Multiplying Church Field Guide (.pdf /*

Dream Big, Plan Smart (.pdf / .epub / .mobi)*

*.mobi files are for Amazon readers, .epub files are for most other book reading software